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2/18/2025 3:03 PM  KR0ES

2/18/2025 3:01 PM  SV1PBC
You have worked Svalbard. Just reached 169 countries!

2/18/2025 3:01 PM  DS4HPW
You have worked Brunei Darussalam. Just reached 56 countries!

2/18/2025 2:59 PM  HG1DBQ
You have worked Marshall Islands. Just reached 146 countries!

2/18/2025 2:56 PM  YC0BAY
You have worked Nigeria. Just reached 217 countries!

2/18/2025 2:56 PM  IW2HXW
You have worked Tajikistan. Just reached 138 countries!

2/18/2025 2:56 PM  BD8BSF
You have worked Malawi. Just reached 89 countries!

2/18/2025 2:54 PM  LA3VW
You have worked Bahrain. Just reached 76 countries!

2/18/2025 2:53 PM  SP8PA
You have worked Mali. Just reached 148 countries!

2/18/2025 2:52 PM  ON4PE
You have worked El Salvador. Just reached 165 countries!

2/18/2025 2:51 PM  W8VI

2/18/2025 2:51 PM  HA5OGR
On Air

2/18/2025 2:50 PM  sp2qcw

2/18/2025 2:50 PM  SP9AWP
You have worked Nigeria. Just reached 156 countries!

2/18/2025 2:48 PM  g3ypp

2/18/2025 2:43 PM  oe6jve

2/18/2025 2:43 PM  IU0OTF
You have worked Nigeria. Just reached 275 countries!

2/18/2025 2:38 PM  HRDLOGnet
We have a new user. Welcome to BG7QJE

2/18/2025 2:37 PM  TA4LYN

2/18/2025 2:35 PM  WB5E

2/18/2025 2:34 PM  LA6NEA
You have worked Jamaica. Just reached 176 countries!

2/18/2025 2:30 PM  SV0LU
You have worked Nigeria. Just reached 196 countries!

2/18/2025 2:28 PM  EA5QS
You have worked Ecuador. Just reached 84 countries!

2/18/2025 2:26 PM  OZ2BX
You have worked Nigeria. Just reached 269 countries!

2/18/2025 2:25 PM  ON3LMA

2/18/2025 2:25 PM  HRDLOGnet
We have a new user. Welcome to JG2TPL

2/18/2025 2:22 PM  N9CQC

2/18/2025 2:22 PM  DH2YBG

2/18/2025 2:19 PM  KF0NYM
You have worked Nigeria. Just reached 211 countries!

2/18/2025 2:18 PM  IK1MSL
You have worked Mali. Just reached 76 countries!

2/18/2025 2:18 PM  RY2H
You have worked Costa Rica. Just reached 129 countries!

2/18/2025 2:09 PM  YU9YAU
You have worked Egypt. Just reached 171 countries!

2/18/2025 2:08 PM  SP8PA
You have worked Isle of Man. Just reached 147 countries!

2/18/2025 2:03 PM  HA5PHK

2/18/2025 2:02 PM  KR0ES

2/18/2025 2:01 PM  db9ev

2/18/2025 1:59 PM  SP8PA
You have worked Nigeria. Just reached 146 countries!

2/18/2025 1:58 PM  VK6KR
You have worked Kaliningrad. Just reached 133 countries!

2/18/2025 1:57 PM  KO4PYK
You have worked Latvia. Just reached 79 countries!

2/18/2025 1:52 PM  IS0ANW
You have worked Nigeria. Just reached 236 countries!

2/18/2025 1:51 PM  PD2WCW
You have worked Morocco. Just reached 110 countries!

2/18/2025 1:50 PM  LA6NEA
You have worked Nigeria. Just reached 175 countries!

2/18/2025 1:50 PM  LA6NEA
You have worked Nigeria. Just reached 175 countries!

2/18/2025 1:43 PM  8Q7PR
You have worked Christmas Island. Just reached 239 countries!

2/18/2025 1:40 PM  IW5CPQ
You have worked Mexico. Just reached 143 countries!

2/18/2025 1:39 PM  W8VI

2/18/2025 1:39 PM  PE2GVR
You have worked Mali. Just reached 194 countries!

2/18/2025 1:38 PM  HA5OGR
On Air

2/18/2025 1:36 PM  g3ypp

2/18/2025 1:35 PM  W7TEC
You have worked Nigeria. Just reached 194 countries!

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